My 002A is back from a relume and service with Goin. :D
U unregistered Active Member 13/1/08 416 11 18 12/8/10 #1 My 002A is back from a relume and service with Goin.
H hooligan Mythical Poster Advisor 24/6/06 8,332 3 38 12/8/10 #4 Another classic piece. You gotta love those T dial base watches!
U unregistered Active Member 13/1/08 416 11 18 12/8/10 #6 I absolutely love T dials. Got 2 rep T dials and one gen T dial Tritium, the only way to go! Alvin, when we get our next Singapore GTG going, I'll bring this along for you
I absolutely love T dials. Got 2 rep T dials and one gen T dial Tritium, the only way to go! Alvin, when we get our next Singapore GTG going, I'll bring this along for you
H HeadToucha Active Member 23/9/09 307 0 16 13/8/10 #9 I love those sausage dials, she's hot :lol: & nice pics.
U unregistered Active Member 13/1/08 416 11 18 17/8/10 #10 kkj said: Cg ? Click to expand... unknown. Top down profile is damn near accurate. Side profile, the bottom portion is an mm too thin, but its a hard tell.
kkj said: Cg ? Click to expand... unknown. Top down profile is damn near accurate. Side profile, the bottom portion is an mm too thin, but its a hard tell.
G gutguido Do not accept unsolicited offers 18/7/10 14 0 0 17/8/10 #11 Awesome watch and pics. I hope this isn't way OT, but may I ask what is your photography set-up?
U unregistered Active Member 13/1/08 416 11 18 17/8/10 #12 No worries. Using for this one a Panasonic Lumix LX3 in a DIY light-tent
G gutguido Do not accept unsolicited offers 18/7/10 14 0 0 17/8/10 #13 That's a clever setup you've got there. I've been telling myself I should invest in a light tent, but just never got around to doing so. Thanks for the response as well as all the great reviews.
That's a clever setup you've got there. I've been telling myself I should invest in a light tent, but just never got around to doing so. Thanks for the response as well as all the great reviews.