Interesting story here....back in about 2004 or so my wife and I were in the stream room of 24 Hour Fitness and I noticed this watch on the floor and in the corner of the steam room. I picked it up and told her, "Honey, this is a Tag". (I had a late 90's gen Se/L) so I looked it over, it was stopped and the display case back (opps fake) was broken. I turned it into lost and found and in a few weeks they gave to back to me unclaimed. I ended up taking it my watchmaker at the time and he said, "I can fix it, I can order a cheap china automatic and a display crystal". He did fix it for a grand total of $60 and I wore it for a long time, so did my wife Lisa and she ended up giving it to her brother who wore it about a year. Then he dropped it on a tile floor and broke it again. It has been sitting 2 years on now and I spoke to Rick914 about ressurecting it