Hi, does anyone know of a trusty jeweler that will work on replica without judgment? Preferably in North Carolina.
I got a really nice replica from a seller not on the Trusted Dealer List (I learned of this late), and it's very nice BUT the only part I don't like is the clasp. I have 3 real rolexes & 1 other replica & this one is just not the right shape. I see some on EBay I could buy.
I want to have that 1 piece replaced...thoughts?
I got a really nice replica from a seller not on the Trusted Dealer List (I learned of this late), and it's very nice BUT the only part I don't like is the clasp. I have 3 real rolexes & 1 other replica & this one is just not the right shape. I see some on EBay I could buy.
I want to have that 1 piece replaced...thoughts?