That’s real. Besides, if superspark confirms, you don’t need additional confirmation.
I’ve been shopping 372’s lately and the prices have been going down down down. I ended up negotiating one down to 5k with triple box and papers and thought it was too good to to be true. I hesitated and it was gone. This was like around late February early March. I saw one come up with no box and papers listed for under 5 (it was listed for like $4,900 usd - it was listed for a while but I wanted the set so hesitated. I ended up reaching out and it had just sold. I saw a few others pop up around 5....
Now we’re around like March 10th, I saw three pop up for sale and sell quickly right around 4800 to 5000 for triple box and papers. I mean they were popping up at 5k everywhere but they were going fast too. I kept on thinking the same thing as you because in Jan, you couldn’t buy a decent one for $6k.
I ended up finding one advertised for $5,100 And started negotiating a little. My birthday is March 20th (why I remember the dates so well) and this was like the day before, the 20th and the 21st. I contemplated offering like $4800 and then this shit really hit the fan here so I told the guy I was going to pass. Since then or after that, the guy texted me a few times. He texted me $4900 and the next day he offered $4800 and I still passed. A week after that he texted me with an “ I still have it. I’d really like to move it”, so they kept going down obviously.
How good of a price are talking? I’m just curious how far they’re dropping. And just be sure to do your due diligence.