Could this be was Obama was wearing? Or was is Michelle? This trendy fashion thing is beyond me.
R RayBelCons Active Member 4/12/08 211 0 0 22/1/09 #21 Could this be was Obama was wearing? Or was is Michelle? This trendy fashion thing is beyond me.
alvinado Watch Nerd Advisor 27/8/08 6,031 809 113 Asia 25/2/09 #22 this is great fakey! If only we could add jewels to the movement!
T Tranman Active Member 23/1/09 311 0 0 25/2/09 #23 so will the extra jewels jack up the cost of the movement? If so, how much and is it worth it? I can see a future thread, "Whats better - asian clone eta or FM 50J?"
so will the extra jewels jack up the cost of the movement? If so, how much and is it worth it? I can see a future thread, "Whats better - asian clone eta or FM 50J?"