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I know you lads get this question everyday...


Horology Curious
Hi fellows, a newb here at replicas. I've finally summed up the courage (and expendable funds) to go towards pulling the trigger on a watch. Rolex subs were originally my fields of fire, but after a wee bit of research, I think I might go mad making one look as close to gen as possible. So I'll go with Omega, being a huge James Bond fan also helped this choice, though, I am a Connery man...

Anyway, I have two on my sights, one from Trevor and one from Puretime:

A 42MM UPO with black bezel and dial

And the supposed love-child of this sub-forum, the SM 300M

I've looked into the aesthetics mostly, and please correct me (harshly if you must) if I'm wrong, that bought are pretty spot on as far as replicas go. The edition of UPOs above have the correct new logo, AR tint etc... And the Seamaster, some had the proper pins (which weren't screw ones?) for the bracelet. The downfall is the green lume on both and the misaligned bezel on the SM.

I've also looked up the differences between the movements. I think I was recommended to the Asian ETA clones, and have them serviced or frankened over time? I'm also unsure on that.

If anything though, I'd like to keep that initial cost down, but I'd go with the Swiss movement if it's worth it. I would invest in gen or better replicated parts to go towards looks, please direct me with that too, which ones would be 'must-haves' and so forth, as well as pointing fingers to people who can properly relume.

Any other suggestions are welcome, I know it's rep and can't look exactly like the real deal, but it's replicated, and it's supposed to look as close as it could. I'm also out to get that 'nice' watch I can wear and beat around. That's coming from a true believer of Timex, forever and always. :L

Thanks lads!


Mythical Poster
Clone 2836 movements are the way to go. If they die (which I've not had yet) then you can replace with another clone, or upgrade to swiss.

Both should accept genuine parts without too much hassle. Common upgrades for the UPO are dial, hands, crown + tube and HEV valve. Bezel insert is not sold separately so you would have to buy the full bezel assembly which is quite pricey. I have the 42mm UPO and its an amazing watch for the price.

I can't commend on the SM300 as I don't know much about it. Good purchases though.

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
About the smp since Bonesey covered the planet ocean really well, the current rep isn't that good.
Two major flaws are the crown guards and the HE valve position, they give away the watch just in one glance...


Horology Curious
Thanks for the insight Bonesey. Love that 007 Rolex you have up for prize, turns me jelly to be a noob!

I'm liking the commendations for the UPO, but I have a soft-spot for Brozzer's SMP. So I'll hold out for more insights before I jump the gun.

So I just source the parts you suggested and have say, a local watch smith plug them in? And would it be cheaper/worth it to instead of replacing the dial and hands (and pearl), just have the lume changed to the blue that gen Omegas have? I'm not really seeing anything jarring when I try to compare the gen dial and hands to the rep in the UPO.

About the smp since Bonesey covered the planet ocean really well, the current rep isn't that good.
Two major flaws are the crown guards and the HE valve position, they give away the watch just in one glance...

Apologies to the double post,

But, are those flaws not present in the UPO? I've seen the comparisons with the newer SMPs, and I see that your facts. I think that really influences me to stay away from that watch then, but I thought I saw older ones with the correct HE valve position... Could be just a hopeful mind though.


Mythical Poster
Unless you have a watchsmith who doesn't mind working on reps then I would seek out a forum watchsmith to work on your watches. The UPO is pretty good out of the box. And really, unless you have one side by side with a gen no one is going to know. Especially on the wrist.

The gen UPO has green lume mate. Not Blue.

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
Thanks for the insight Bonesey. Love that 007 Rolex you have up for prize, turns me jelly to be a noob!

I'm liking the commendations for the UPO, but I have a soft-spot for Brozzer's SMP. So I'll hold out for more insights before I jump the gun.

So I just source the parts you suggested and have say, a local watch smith plug them in? And would it be cheaper/worth it to instead of replacing the dial and hands (and pearl), just have the lume changed to the blue that gen Omegas have? I'm not really seeing anything jarring when I try to compare the gen dial and hands to the rep in the UPO.

Apologies to the double post,

But, are those flaws not present in the UPO? I've seen the comparisons with the newer SMPs, and I see that your facts. I think that really influences me to stay away from that watch then, but I thought I saw older ones with the correct HE valve position... Could be just a hopeful mind though.

We have watch smiths on the forum who are doing those kind of works. Installing gen parts is more expensive than doing a lume work on the red dial.
Here is a comparing photo of the lume.

Gen dial on the left.
Rep dial on the right.
Relumed dial on top.


The blue lume you are talking about is available on the new ceramic planet ocean models. Still not a good rep of them.

And finally, the old school smps had correct HE valve and crown guards, it would be very difficult to find one though, they are not available from the dealers. Only chance to get one is in the sales area from a member...

For more information about franken plane ocean, check this thread http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/definitive-franken-planet-91096


Horology Curious
Oh alright, that helps a ton. I'd always thought Omega stuck with blue lumes for all their watches, fancy that.

Well it's settled then, I'll get me one of those shiny new 42MM UPOs... I'll just have to decide whether I want black or orange, and that'll be tough. And Mr. Pap, I seen your franken UPO, gorgeous piece, hopefully the one I'll get will be up to that standard some day.

So thanks for the help lads, well appreciated. Now just so I know in a few weeks time, who should I go to for the kinds of works we're talking about here? Say I'd want to start off with a super-lume, and from those links I checked out, I think the first step in frankening I'll want to do is the HEV or the crown & tube, or the dial, depending which I find cheapest.

Oh, and, what's the advantage of having a gen bracelet as opposed to the rep? If the gen bracelet a bit more sturdy?

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
First things first, there isnt such a thing as 42MM UPO. There is the 42MM PO 5th generation and there is the UPO.

Since you in the US i really dont know who is closer to you, there is katt and 14060 or 16610? over there.

Gen bracelet simply cant be compared to the rep, its better all the way with a relative price of course...


Horology Curious
Ah, I see that now. Excellent then! Many thanks for you both for the help, It'll certainly get me started. 42MM PO it is! :)


Looking Around
I just bought my first rep, a 42mm PO from Andrew at Trustytime and am so pleased with it. Definitely a good choice. I've put mine on a black NATO strap which looks the business.


Horology Curious
Sounds nice, I like the NATO strap on most diving watch looks, I'd probably get one too.

Not to be fickle, but the 45MM UPO is catching my eye a wee bit. Is there much differences, in terms of nitpicky accuracy, for nitpicky freaks such as I, that would be worth going to that one? I've seen By-Tor's reviews for both, but they're both close to level in his reception. Now, that I see that they've corrected the happy feet on the logo, it makes that rep that more interesting.

Still, the 42MM is optimal for my stringy wrist... :D