Sorry, I read a lot and all the information I found, is not updated and some dealers are no longer in business; I would appreciate it very much if you could guide me. I would like to do some 1680, 5513, 5512, 1675, 16700, for example ...
Thx and regards
Well, Gan_Antique on Ebay offers good value for money dials, if you want better there's Ming Quy or Phong, but they aren't perfect either - for that you'll have to buy gen and that'll be at least $2000.
Cases, the Cartel vintage 1680/5512/1675 are a good base, Phong/Ming Quy also do cases for $1200 - $1400, but if you're going to spend that sort of money, I'd buy a gen case for $2000 myself.
Inserts, all rep inserts are crap, if you want a good insert you need to buy a gen.
Crowns, the same, buy a gen.
Crystals, the aftermarket plexi crystals are OK, but a gen crystal is much better - same with sapphire, gen is much better.
For your franken LV, the dial will be very expensive, but you could buy a normal 16610 dial for $300 - $450 on Ebay.
For gen Rolex parts look on Ebay, The Rolex Forum, Vintage Rolex Forum, VRN - Network54