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How Cheeky can you Get !


Looking Around
I got my UPO rep from Rolex2u yesterday and the bracelet was a bit big, so I asked my wife if she knew of a good watch shop here (in Bahrain). She took me to a reputable shop and we went straight up to the counter without looking left or right. I asked the assistant if they could remove a couple of links, I told him to be careful whilst doing this.
The young mas looked at the watch back, went upstairs and after what seemed ages he came down with 1.5 links taken out and one half link with the pin out half way. HE asked me to try it on before he took out the other link. I tried it on and as I was looking at his face, he had an odd expression and raised an eyebrow at someone behind me, when i turned around what did I see, lo behold a large counter full of the biggest selection of PO's I have ever seen (it appears this shop is the main Omega dealership in the country). I don't know whether he was embarrassed to tell me whether the watch was a fake, or bemused about me telling him to be careful with the watch.

After he had fixed the links, he came downstairs and I tried on the watch, he again gave me a strange look. Anyhow I put the watch on quickly and thanked him, I asked him much and he said no charge.

Anyhow on the way to the car, I felt the watch needed another half link to be taken out, and after considerable deliberation we decided to go back to the shop and ask for the link to be removed. As we walked into the shop again, we saw the same assistant and his jaw dropped, anyhow I asked him if he could reduce the bracelet by another half link. HE proceeded to go upstairs for what appeared like ages. In the meantime I went over to the OMEGA counter and drooled at all the Gen PO's, with their flat logos and AR.
I asked the assistant that I had an old Omega Geneve Automatic (30 yr old) and would they have to send it away to be serviced. Imagine the shock I had when he said that they serviced and repaired Omegas in house. By this time the young man came down again with the bracelet fixed, and I am sure he was too embarrassed to either tell me my watch was a fake and I had been conned, or my cheek to ask them to adjust my rep UPO bracelet.

Anyhow, I thanked him walked out and never looked back.. I don't think I'll go back and ask them to service it as well...!!


I look at this differently. When you go gen, (you will at some point) you will go back to him and bring up the story that he helped you for nothing knowing it was rep. That was one nice guy IMO. I wouldn't hesitate to go back with gen inquiries and concerns.