Hello guys, I was wondering if some factories were already producing the latest seamaster 300, the Black one with the domed sapphire and non reflective dial, I think its a good candidate to be a super rep if they can get the thickness right (should be thinner than the previous ones considering that is 13.8mm including protruding domed crystal), another tricky part could be to get the sapphire optical effect right on the dial, other than these 2 things not much to mess up.
Do you have info if is in production and how is the quality?
Maybe would be good to wait for VSF to jump on this as they are good with crystals but I fear they will use the old case and make it thicker than gen
Do you have info if is in production and how is the quality?
Maybe would be good to wait for VSF to jump on this as they are good with crystals but I fear they will use the old case and make it thicker than gen