- 19/11/24
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Hi everyone, I've had replicas, for many years. I normally used to purchase them in person while traveling overseas. If anyone is interested in my five cents - my firm believe is that if one cannot afford a genuine watch then should not buy a replica as he would look silly, on the other hand I think it's just dumb to buy genuine watcht If you can afford one because it's just money thrown away when such amazing quality replicas can be purchased at a fraction of the gen price. I'd love to hear members take on the whole replica thing...
Now to the point I wanted to make. I'm a new member and I find this forum/ website quite remarkable and full of useful information.
I wanted to purchase quite a few watches to update my fleet. So I started researching TDs.
It seems to me that they all do the right thing until something goes haywire. Such as when watches are dead on arrival or other warranty related stuff.
From what I gather from comments at this stage, customers tend to find out there are no warranties aAndare left to deal with their problems on their own.
Such highly recommended TDs like Hont and Trustytime and others all seem to have a fair share of such complaints against them.
Im looking to aquite 4-6 units at this stage. As I mentioned earlier, I'm used to buying watches in person. So now that I've read all these bad reviews, even though quite numbered in the grand scheme of things I'm not sure if I'm comfortable outlaying $500 -$700 per unit to someone who will not honor their side of the bargain.
May I have some thoughts from seasoned members as to how/weather I should proceed with online purchasing?
With respect and regards.
Now to the point I wanted to make. I'm a new member and I find this forum/ website quite remarkable and full of useful information.
I wanted to purchase quite a few watches to update my fleet. So I started researching TDs.
It seems to me that they all do the right thing until something goes haywire. Such as when watches are dead on arrival or other warranty related stuff.
From what I gather from comments at this stage, customers tend to find out there are no warranties aAndare left to deal with their problems on their own.
Such highly recommended TDs like Hont and Trustytime and others all seem to have a fair share of such complaints against them.
Im looking to aquite 4-6 units at this stage. As I mentioned earlier, I'm used to buying watches in person. So now that I've read all these bad reviews, even though quite numbered in the grand scheme of things I'm not sure if I'm comfortable outlaying $500 -$700 per unit to someone who will not honor their side of the bargain.
May I have some thoughts from seasoned members as to how/weather I should proceed with online purchasing?
With respect and regards.