Thanks everybody
Jawbreaker, eh? Don't get me started on another game. I'm still duking it out with mah jong. Best I can do is 5th place. Sometimes playing isn't even fun- I just can't let it beat me.
I don't think my boyfriend wants me to reveal his secret identity. Probably because sometimes when I'm up late, I get feisty and might post comments that will provoke the ire of the community. (I already chimed in on the DHK/Trevor controversy- can't help it.) He won't even give me any points or dollars or tokens or whatever they're called- claims there was some brouhaha (sp?) about somebody overwhelming the raffle with points and rules had to be changed and there's an etiquette it might break, blah, blah, blah- I think he's just greedy.
And buy him a watch so we can be even? Aren't we even that I don't give him a hard time for buying like 5 watches in 2 months? Okay, so I do give him a hard time, but that's beside the point.
Thanks again for the warm welcome and for all the good advice and for giving me one more way to procrastinate from studying for my exams.