What does DSN mean?
- DSN is Davidsen, who basically builds his own pams with parts he sources on his own, u can get parts frm him as well although fit might be a issue.
What do people mod on the watches?
- anything&everything tt can be stripped out, swapped or changed.. dials, hands, movements, movement parts, cases, casebacks, crowns, crown guards&crown tubes. it can range frm replacing with similar source parts to swiss parts to GEN parts, depending on fit as well.
Does it mean "vintaging" the watch or do they replace parts for functional reasons?
- it CAN mean vintaging a particular watch. &it can be for functional reasons. but mostly it done to get it as close to GEN as possible. tho frm time to time, its just cux it looks nicer, even if its not part of e GEN article ( eg. APs having ARed crystals )
How's the lume on the reps?
- rep lume to most of us, is rep lume
on a scale of 1-10 (1being e dimmest&least lasting to 10being really bright&lasting up to hours) rep lume is prob 0/10 - 3/10, except e newer pams released by e hublot factories, they r as gd as any dial tt has been lumed by a modder or by urself..&they'd be within e 8/10-10/10 range.. another aspect of lume to consider is its daylight accuracy, esp on pams..usually rep lume's daylight colours r totally off frm e GEN, again with e exception of e newer hublot factory pams..
Are there different qualities of reps for the Black Seal out there?
- there are, tho it may not vary that much esp if u stick to our trusted dealers as they mostly share e same sources. impt thing here is, QC-ing urself to make sure all is well..
Any suggestions?
- my suggestion is Supermirrors or sead1999.. he's a dealer on probation but he does great stuff, i have a 183G frm him&i love it.. here's e link to his section:-
drop him a pm if u have any other question regarding what he has..
cheers&hope i ans all ur questions tho i dont really understand ur 1st