What a wonderful forum. Such detailed information on replicas- it's just fab! Thanks to all those who have contributed.
I am a complete noob to this world. I have looked at buying a rep for many years, but decided to finally take the plunge and buy a DD for my dad's 80th.
Zoned in on a DD being sold by sead. With so much positive feedback, I am hopeful of a straightforward transaction
I look forward to interacting with fellow forum members in the future. Have a lovely day.
I am a complete noob to this world. I have looked at buying a rep for many years, but decided to finally take the plunge and buy a DD for my dad's 80th.
Zoned in on a DD being sold by sead. With so much positive feedback, I am hopeful of a straightforward transaction
I look forward to interacting with fellow forum members in the future. Have a lovely day.