Yay! or Nay :( ? http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/pam390-titanium-from-98440
Q5? Legendary Member Advisor 29/3/09 15,272 10 38 31/10/12 #1 Yay! or Nay ? http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/pam390-titanium-from-98440
Q5? Legendary Member Advisor 29/3/09 15,272 10 38 31/10/12 #2 I really like this dial and feel that I need a Ti PAM. So what do you guys think? Too fantasy?
C carlton Respected Member 2/10/11 3,084 1 0 31/10/12 #4 Fantasy for me, i will go for 176 if i want something in Ti.
M m3nster I'm Pretty Popular 2/1/10 1,478 0 0 United States 31/10/12 #5 I never dig fantasy stuff....maybe a homage with similar config?
machiavegli Active Member 7/11/11 496 17 18 31/10/12 #6 I got the 057 instead from DSN (only source), it's Ti and basically perfect IMHO http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/re-mini-review-110453?t=110453 -Mach
I got the 057 instead from DSN (only source), it's Ti and basically perfect IMHO http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/re-mini-review-110453?t=110453 -Mach
Z Z3k0 Renowned Member 2/1/07 548 11 18 Croatia 31/10/12 #7 I guess I never posted this here, so maybe this will help: regards
karesz501 I'm Pretty Popular 10/8/10 1,985 7 38 European Union 31/10/12 #9 Love this combo Q, but aint for me as a fantasy.... As said before, maybe with an unbranded dial. Maybe. But that combo is AMAZING! You're lost
Love this combo Q, but aint for me as a fantasy.... As said before, maybe with an unbranded dial. Maybe. But that combo is AMAZING! You're lost
Q5? Legendary Member Advisor 29/3/09 15,272 10 38 31/10/12 #10 Oh my gXX! I just am so torn apart now!!!!!!!!!
M m3nster I'm Pretty Popular 2/1/10 1,478 0 0 United States 1/11/12 #13 Damn it now i like it too now look what you guys do!
R revhrd Respected Member 5/2/11 3,121 12 38 1/11/12 #15 since it's fantasy, i'd consider a destro model.
karesz501 I'm Pretty Popular 10/8/10 1,985 7 38 European Union 1/11/12 #16 revhrd said: since it's fantasy, i'd consider a destro model. Click to expand... Do we have a proper destro Ti caseset???
revhrd said: since it's fantasy, i'd consider a destro model. Click to expand... Do we have a proper destro Ti caseset???
M mysterio Mythical Poster Advisor 19/8/08 9,794 866 0 1/11/12 #17 karesz501 said: Do we have a proper destro Ti caseset??? Click to expand... If you turned the case 180 and flipped the CG, wouldn't that make a destro? I don't know if it's that simple.
karesz501 said: Do we have a proper destro Ti caseset??? Click to expand... If you turned the case 180 and flipped the CG, wouldn't that make a destro? I don't know if it's that simple.
karesz501 I'm Pretty Popular 10/8/10 1,985 7 38 European Union 1/11/12 #19 mysterio said: If you turned the case 180 and flipped the CG, wouldn't that make a destro? I don't know if it's that simple. Click to expand... The CG would be upside down, I don't know whether you can turn it that way because of the CG pin.
mysterio said: If you turned the case 180 and flipped the CG, wouldn't that make a destro? I don't know if it's that simple. Click to expand... The CG would be upside down, I don't know whether you can turn it that way because of the CG pin.
karesz501 I'm Pretty Popular 10/8/10 1,985 7 38 European Union 1/11/12 #20 Q5? said: I must use the force to resist....... Click to expand... YOU WILL BUY THIS COMBO Q5? .