- 11/8/18
- 868
- 182
- 43
Great transaction with @Asiandraggon
- Fast Payment
- Clear communication
- First buy on RWI - Welcome to the hobby!
- Fast Payment
- Clear communication
- First buy on RWI - Welcome to the hobby!
[SOLD] - 2 X Super Jubilee (63600) 1 with Gen clasp, Daytona dial and misc links
Selling 2 X Super Jubilee (63160) 1 with Gen clasp, Daytona dial and misc links The top bracelet is an ARF, renowned for its quality that will be sold with a Gen Clasp and includes spare Jubilee link - $525 The bottom braclet is a GMF - Selling for $80 by itself or inlcuded if you buy the top...