Hello All!
I am very excited to have found this wonderful world of replicas. When I first laid eyes on the Gen Graham I knew I had to have it but there was no way possible with a pricetag of about $8K. When i started searching around and found the Rep it intrigued me, but could a rep really be that good for 5% of the original price? After researching and reading on this forum I was convinced they could be, thank you so much RWI! Deciding to use TimesShop after communicating with them, great job BTW Jamie, I only have good things to say about the experience. I was a little skeptical when they sent me a tracking # that said it was delivered 2 months ago but they said it was a duplicate and give it 2 days, they were right, when logging in the DHL to track it gave the option to resolve with the 2 identical tracking #s. People online said they dont do that but I found out first hand they do. Any way I ordered this a higher end rep and also a less expensive B&R BR01 with A21 movement, I am so pleased with both, I cant beleive it!
I am very excited to have found this wonderful world of replicas. When I first laid eyes on the Gen Graham I knew I had to have it but there was no way possible with a pricetag of about $8K. When i started searching around and found the Rep it intrigued me, but could a rep really be that good for 5% of the original price? After researching and reading on this forum I was convinced they could be, thank you so much RWI! Deciding to use TimesShop after communicating with them, great job BTW Jamie, I only have good things to say about the experience. I was a little skeptical when they sent me a tracking # that said it was delivered 2 months ago but they said it was a duplicate and give it 2 days, they were right, when logging in the DHL to track it gave the option to resolve with the 2 identical tracking #s. People online said they dont do that but I found out first hand they do. Any way I ordered this a higher end rep and also a less expensive B&R BR01 with A21 movement, I am so pleased with both, I cant beleive it!