- 3/4/18
- 282
- 59
- 28
- About
- Moncler Acorus Jacket - Moncler Size 3 I'd say medium
- Location
- UK
- Willing to Ship to?
- UK / WW
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- UKBT // Paypal
- Piece Origin?
- Liberty
- Why Are You Selling?
- Sat in wardrobe
- Asking Price?
- £400 inc sndd for UK
- Currency Accepted?
- gbp
- Shipping Costs?
- UK Included // WW TBC
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Like new literally only worn a handful of times (3 times max) and just sat in my wardrobe.
Would say its TTS medium due to the design will fit pretty cropped for a tall person im about 5'11 and fits well.
Would say its TTS medium due to the design will fit pretty cropped for a tall person im about 5'11 and fits well.