2019/07/02 - JTime emails Tracking information
2019/07/05 - DHL registers that shipment has been picked up
2019/07/08 - Delivery
Email to JTime inquiring availability of watches
JTime responds about availability.
Pricing and payment via Transferwise is confirmed.
JTime responds about availability.
Pricing and payment via Transferwise is confirmed.
QC photos from JTime received
QC photos approved
QC photos approved
2019/07/02 - JTime emails Tracking information
2019/07/05 - DHL registers that shipment has been picked up
2019/07/08 - Delivery
- From my correspondences with JTime since then, he has been able to source watches while the other usual TDs tell me "no stock".
- Having the customer name and the JTime logo in the background during QC photos is a very nice touch and additional boost of confidence. I don't have to wonder how "old" these QC photos were or if they were taken well in advance.
- Turn around time and personal-touch is a very nice change of pace from the other TDs
- Timeframe from order to delivery speaks for itself