What's this all about?
spursian - FS: NMD XR1 'Utility Black' US 8.5 (BASF)
Location: Asia
Will ship to: Worldwide
Accepted payment methods: Paypal, Bank wire, Paypal Gift
Warranty: None
Condition: Used
Asking price: USD 70
Shipping costs: USD 0
Detailed description and photos:
Selling a pair of BASF NMD XR1 Utility Black US 8.5 with 3 nips. Got these from Eva. Worn it once but found it too snug for my liking. This is TTS so it'll fit nicely if you're an 8.5. Price is $70 nett to me. Regular shipping fees are included but if you would like them to be registered, please add $10. No notes in PP and if paying by regular PP, add 4%.
Handwritten tagged pictures attached?
Have you read and agreed to the RWI Sales Policy?
Will you use RWI sales feedback?
Will you inform the buyer not to list any notes while paying? Please do.
What's this all about?
spursian - FS: NMD XR1 'Utility Black' US 8.5 (BASF)
Location: Asia
Will ship to: Worldwide
Accepted payment methods: Paypal, Bank wire, Paypal Gift
Warranty: None
Condition: Used
Asking price: USD 70
Shipping costs: USD 0
Detailed description and photos:
Selling a pair of BASF NMD XR1 Utility Black US 8.5 with 3 nips. Got these from Eva. Worn it once but found it too snug for my liking. This is TTS so it'll fit nicely if you're an 8.5. Price is $70 nett to me. Regular shipping fees are included but if you would like them to be registered, please add $10. No notes in PP and if paying by regular PP, add 4%.
Handwritten tagged pictures attached?
- Yes
Have you read and agreed to the RWI Sales Policy?
- Yes
Will you use RWI sales feedback?
- Yes
Will you inform the buyer not to list any notes while paying? Please do.
- Yes