What's this all about?
spursian - FS: Adidas NMD Women's R1 'Sun Glow' Rep
Location: Asia
Will ship to: Worldwide
Accepted payment methods: Paypal, Bank wire, Paypal Gift
Warranty: None
Condition: New
Asking price: USD 50
Shipping costs: USD 0
Detailed description and photos:
Selling this pair of brand new Adidas NMD R1 'Sun Glow' Women's from Lin. Size measures US 5.5 / UK 4. Shoe fits very snugly and it'll be perfect if you go half size down (basically your ladies or kids with small feet).
Quality is great and it's real boost with 3 nips. I'm including regular airmail shipping into the price and if you want it registered, please add $10. I've shipped some shoes worldwide and there's been no issues. However, I cannot be held responsible for any custom issues/taxes/damages/lost during shipping as I have totally no control over it. No notes in PP. If not paying by PP gift, please add 4%.
Did you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date?
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Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field?
[secret]#WorldwideSales #WorldwideSalesNonWatch[/secret]
What's this all about?
spursian - FS: Adidas NMD Women's R1 'Sun Glow' Rep
Location: Asia
Will ship to: Worldwide
Accepted payment methods: Paypal, Bank wire, Paypal Gift
Warranty: None
Condition: New
Asking price: USD 50
Shipping costs: USD 0
Detailed description and photos:
Selling this pair of brand new Adidas NMD R1 'Sun Glow' Women's from Lin. Size measures US 5.5 / UK 4. Shoe fits very snugly and it'll be perfect if you go half size down (basically your ladies or kids with small feet).
Quality is great and it's real boost with 3 nips. I'm including regular airmail shipping into the price and if you want it registered, please add $10. I've shipped some shoes worldwide and there's been no issues. However, I cannot be held responsible for any custom issues/taxes/damages/lost during shipping as I have totally no control over it. No notes in PP. If not paying by PP gift, please add 4%.
Did you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date?
- Yes
Do you agree to RWI's sales rules?
- Yes
Will you use RWI's feedback system?
- Yes
Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field?
- Yes
[secret]#WorldwideSales #WorldwideSalesNonWatch[/secret]