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Franken PO screw down crown feel?


I'm Pretty Popular
Came across a franken PO today with gen tube/crown assembly and it had awful screw down feel to it, not at all like gen, if fact worse than most PO reps...which would be hard. Now it could be damage as there were previous owners, can't believe somebody would be so ham fisted as to **** up the gen assembly aswell

So my question to you frankener PO people is how does the crown action on yours feel in comparison to a real PO? To describe the gen it is buttery smooth, with about 4 to 6 full very fluid revolutions before it snugly fits home. How do the frankens feel in comparison? Are they a mish mash of somewhere in between the s***ty rep screws down action (half a grinding revolution and then done :)) and gen screw down described above depending on how well the unit was installed? Should it be very consistent with gen once it has been frankened with gen crown/tube? I would assume so?

The one above even though it is definitely a gen tube crown in it, it hits the stopping point after half to 3/4 turn and feels like it stops half way and to get it in fully it needs a cloth put over it to get the resistance necessary to get it down.....surely not right is it?

I tried some rodico to clean debris and then some silicon" grease to see if any improvement and the improvement was marginal if at all

Mr. Pap

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Well mine isnt the perfect example, as i had an issue with the crown not siting perfect, but i will describe it as better as i can.

The first turn is easy, sometimes the crown doesnt grap to the tube, so i have to give it a second try.
The second turn is a little bit weird, as i feel some kind of resistance or like the crown is touching the tube more than it is supposed.
The third and the fourth turns are perfect.

I hope that gave you an idea.


I'm Pretty Popular
Thanks paparas, that helps alot, the one I tried above feels like it has something stopping it other than the normal spring like resistance. It's very stiff, Yours sounds fine. I'm not even getting a proper 3rd and 4th turn, once it eventually grabs the tube it stops after a quarter turn and then requires almost superman resistance to get it in the other quarter turn.
Once it's in it does feels snug, I wouldn't like to be doing it too often, I have a pain in my thumb and forefinger from trying to ease the screwing action with silicon grease.

I may have to pop it open and see if there is something restricting the threads.


Mr. Pap

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Well that doesnt sounds good... You should check it/change it, i mean the crown tube combo. What version is the watch?


I'm Pretty Popular
It's a V5 42mm (most recent) that was bought 2nd hand with tube/stem/crown installed and full He valve assembly installed. No other mods were done at this stage. It was basically half a franken :)
Was getting it ready for a dial/hand/bezel/crystal swap for a friend. The thing is it was 2nd user and had two previous owners, so had a bit of wear already or was a poor original job (obviously wasn't disclosed in the sales thread).

Pity as had hoped it would be ready for the other mods to turn it into a super franken. It seems not like this, I now have to go back and start from scratch to get a functional crown/tube again....sigh!