- 15/10/12
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I've noticed a problem across the boards that occurs with many new members making first time orders...I understand that many people come to the forums to gain knowledge for purchasing a replica watch and discover the trusted dealers through stumbling into their section or posting a "where to buy the best replica?" question, either way inevitably a lot of new members wind up using the TD'S(Trusted dealers) for their first replica purchase without doing proper research prior to making their order, this can be a recipe for disaster for the new member and the dealer....I'm writing this post not to discourage new members from ordering but rather to help them to know what to expect and hopefully avoid compromising situations for the new member as well as the dealer...
1. After your order is made and you've accepted your QC(quality control) pictures, HAVE PATIENCE! Your watch will arrive. There's no need to get jumpy just because the tracking number isn't working and there is not a set time limit on a watch being mailed from another country. It is unacceptable behavior here, or any of the forums to file a paypal dispute because you haven't received your watch in the imaginary timeframe that you set. You do not need Paypal to protect you from our dealers, that is why they are considered TRUSTED. So forget any kind of PayPal deadline!
2. When your watch arrives there is no guarantee that the watch will have survived through the abuse that can happen while it's in transit, so please DO NOT PANIC if your watch has a problem, however unlikely, it happens. This does not mean that the dealer you chose is a crook or a scammer, it just means that a delicate piece of machinery was abused by a careless postal worker. This is where many new guys go wrong! This kind of thing while unfortunate is NOT unlikely, in fact it's quite frequent and to be expected. If you stay with this hobby you will find yourself in this predicament occasionally! When I receive a replica many times the first thing I do is send it to a trusted watch smith to be serviced and cleaned and sometimes to be repaired. These watches are assembled in unacceptable conditions many times, therefore it is expected that there could be loose screws, debris in the movement and a whole battery of things that can affect the workings of something so delicate and temperamental. I'm not saying that your going to receive a broken watch, what I am saying is that it can happen and if your luck is like mine, go ahead and plan for it! On the other hand you could just as easily receive a watch that will last, as-is, forever, so here are your options in the event of being faced with receiving a dead on or shortly after arrival watch:
Option one: contact the dealer and be prepared to return the watch to China AT YOUR EXPENSE and wait for the dealer to repair or replace the watch and return it to you.(the return shipping will be paid by the dealer),,,,Remember the TD's buy the watches from the factory, they do not build them. That means that they are losing money by fixing what a careless postal worker damaged and they're doing it for free because they are good people and value our business.
Option2: Take or send the watch to your own watch smith and have it repaired and/or serviced at your expense.
Option3:before any other actions are taken contact a moderator for assistance and follow their instructions to the letter, PERIOD! Once you've requested the assistance of a moderator DO ONLY WHAT YOUR TOLD no more, no less.
Now me personally I always go for option2, always! What I have done in the past with a dealer that I have a long standing relationship with is to notify him of the condition of the watch immediately upon receiving the DOA watch and request that he discount my next purchase to help cover the cost of the repairs and of coarse forward him a copy of the receipt from the watch smith and a letter with the repairman's email and telephone number so the dealer can contact him if he wished to do so. This was pretty easy to negotiate and my dealer was very glad I mentioned this.
Here's the things that you shouldn't do in the event that your not satisfied with your purchase.:
1. File a or threaten to file a PAYPAL dispute. EVER! This hurts us all and is totally unacceptable. Please consider that your not the only one dealing with this person and by doing this you could cost a lot of people(other then the dealer) a lot of time and money.
2. Post negative statements or pictures in a open thread.
3. Discuss any of this in public. It is between your dealer, you and a moderator if need be.
When things go wrong take a deep breathe and act with a calm head and tongue. These dealers are here to make money and because of that it is in their interest to maintain satisfied clients but they should not and will not be abused by a single member that doesn't care about us or them.
Remember: the dealers, the admin, the moderators and all of your fellow forum members all wish you success and happiness in this wonderful hobby...
Originally posted by me at RWG 5/29/13
1. After your order is made and you've accepted your QC(quality control) pictures, HAVE PATIENCE! Your watch will arrive. There's no need to get jumpy just because the tracking number isn't working and there is not a set time limit on a watch being mailed from another country. It is unacceptable behavior here, or any of the forums to file a paypal dispute because you haven't received your watch in the imaginary timeframe that you set. You do not need Paypal to protect you from our dealers, that is why they are considered TRUSTED. So forget any kind of PayPal deadline!
2. When your watch arrives there is no guarantee that the watch will have survived through the abuse that can happen while it's in transit, so please DO NOT PANIC if your watch has a problem, however unlikely, it happens. This does not mean that the dealer you chose is a crook or a scammer, it just means that a delicate piece of machinery was abused by a careless postal worker. This is where many new guys go wrong! This kind of thing while unfortunate is NOT unlikely, in fact it's quite frequent and to be expected. If you stay with this hobby you will find yourself in this predicament occasionally! When I receive a replica many times the first thing I do is send it to a trusted watch smith to be serviced and cleaned and sometimes to be repaired. These watches are assembled in unacceptable conditions many times, therefore it is expected that there could be loose screws, debris in the movement and a whole battery of things that can affect the workings of something so delicate and temperamental. I'm not saying that your going to receive a broken watch, what I am saying is that it can happen and if your luck is like mine, go ahead and plan for it! On the other hand you could just as easily receive a watch that will last, as-is, forever, so here are your options in the event of being faced with receiving a dead on or shortly after arrival watch:
Option one: contact the dealer and be prepared to return the watch to China AT YOUR EXPENSE and wait for the dealer to repair or replace the watch and return it to you.(the return shipping will be paid by the dealer),,,,Remember the TD's buy the watches from the factory, they do not build them. That means that they are losing money by fixing what a careless postal worker damaged and they're doing it for free because they are good people and value our business.
Option2: Take or send the watch to your own watch smith and have it repaired and/or serviced at your expense.
Option3:before any other actions are taken contact a moderator for assistance and follow their instructions to the letter, PERIOD! Once you've requested the assistance of a moderator DO ONLY WHAT YOUR TOLD no more, no less.
Now me personally I always go for option2, always! What I have done in the past with a dealer that I have a long standing relationship with is to notify him of the condition of the watch immediately upon receiving the DOA watch and request that he discount my next purchase to help cover the cost of the repairs and of coarse forward him a copy of the receipt from the watch smith and a letter with the repairman's email and telephone number so the dealer can contact him if he wished to do so. This was pretty easy to negotiate and my dealer was very glad I mentioned this.
Here's the things that you shouldn't do in the event that your not satisfied with your purchase.:
1. File a or threaten to file a PAYPAL dispute. EVER! This hurts us all and is totally unacceptable. Please consider that your not the only one dealing with this person and by doing this you could cost a lot of people(other then the dealer) a lot of time and money.
2. Post negative statements or pictures in a open thread.
3. Discuss any of this in public. It is between your dealer, you and a moderator if need be.
When things go wrong take a deep breathe and act with a calm head and tongue. These dealers are here to make money and because of that it is in their interest to maintain satisfied clients but they should not and will not be abused by a single member that doesn't care about us or them.
Remember: the dealers, the admin, the moderators and all of your fellow forum members all wish you success and happiness in this wonderful hobby...
Originally posted by me at RWG 5/29/13