If i remenber correctly they indroduce it mid-way in M series, all N series and i think they went back to regular modern (non-vintage) hands in O series.
I agree with Klockis about 111 from mid-way M series, because I have seen M-series with and without Pre-V type.
N-series always Pre-V.
Pam 111 O-series is with regular hands
But for 005 I really am no sure
Looking at gen 005 sales it does look like N series (2011) did have 'pre-v' style hands while 2013 P series have regular.
The 318 which is a SE from 2009 (L serie) and basically a 005 with a different case back came with regular hands.
I'm pretty sure is that none of the historic line watch had 'pre-v' style hand before 2010 (M series).