I have purchased a handful of replica pieces (mainly mid-priced Rolex replicas) from other vendors, but after a lot of research, I wanted to try purchasing a slightly more expensive piece from PureTime.
I just ordered a PP Aquanaut 5168G Blue 3KF. Waiting on confirmation that they have it in stock and then I should receive the payment link—all of which should happen within the next 24 hours.
Will keep this thread updated. Hoping everything goes smoothly and quickly as I am wanting to wear this to an upcoming wedding.
• Order Placed on May 22, 2024 1:08:06 PM HKT
I just ordered a PP Aquanaut 5168G Blue 3KF. Waiting on confirmation that they have it in stock and then I should receive the payment link—all of which should happen within the next 24 hours.
Will keep this thread updated. Hoping everything goes smoothly and quickly as I am wanting to wear this to an upcoming wedding.
• Order Placed on May 22, 2024 1:08:06 PM HKT