Hey everyone.
It's my first time buying a replica from PureTime, so I will keep you updated on the experience and quality.
Basic info:
Communication is good so far - no problems. They sent more QC + video, but here I will just put 2 for you guys to get an idea.
I will keep you updated and I will post pohotos of the actual watch when I (hopefully) receive it.
It's my first time buying a replica from PureTime, so I will keep you updated on the experience and quality.
Basic info:
- Watch: Daytona 116519 Clean 1:1 Best Edition 904L SS Case and Bracelet Gray Dial SA4130 V2
- Order number: 100258377
- 21. august order placed
- 23. august order payed (by credit card)
- 7. september QC received - looked good on the photos (and video)
- 13. september watch shipped
Communication is good so far - no problems. They sent more QC + video, but here I will just put 2 for you guys to get an idea.
I will keep you updated and I will post pohotos of the actual watch when I (hopefully) receive it.