Well, I shipped my 111H off to Katt today. The pins above the balance wheel and the regulator came off completely. Not sure how either - I looked down and saw my watched stopped at 2:55 and took it off, I heard metal clanking around as I rotated it around to look at the back. Rut-ro...so, I packed it up and shipped it off an hour later.
Figured while he's got it I'd have him lume my dial and hands too. Looking forward to posting a review - and more so for my 177 that's on it's way. Guess I'll wear the GMT or Milgauss tomorrow
Figured while he's got it I'd have him lume my dial and hands too. Looking forward to posting a review - and more so for my 177 that's on it's way. Guess I'll wear the GMT or Milgauss tomorrow