Hello, firstly thank you to the admin team of this site. I am sure with out it I would have at best over paid for the replicas or worst case lost a considerable amount of money.
So after reading for all the information on the site, I began t research the approved suppliers. For no other reason than the positive feedback on Hont - I went with him.
I ordered x 2 watches (Rolex Deepsea D-Blue & Rolex Daytona). The communication was excellent with Hont, clear and speedy. All in the the process was 1-2 weeks which includes delivery time to the UK.
The watches are what I was after which is high end replicas and I’m sure the 99% will be unable to tell the difference.
I would highly recommend Hont and will probably grab my wife one shortly. Not sure if I will tell her it’s a replica though

Some images of them but if you want more please reach out and I’ll send them through.
Happy hunting.
So after reading for all the information on the site, I began t research the approved suppliers. For no other reason than the positive feedback on Hont - I went with him.
I ordered x 2 watches (Rolex Deepsea D-Blue & Rolex Daytona). The communication was excellent with Hont, clear and speedy. All in the the process was 1-2 weeks which includes delivery time to the UK.
The watches are what I was after which is high end replicas and I’m sure the 99% will be unable to tell the difference.
I would highly recommend Hont and will probably grab my wife one shortly. Not sure if I will tell her it’s a replica though

Some images of them but if you want more please reach out and I’ll send them through.
Happy hunting.