For the most part TDs have access to the same factories, its your decision which one you go with (24 to choose from)
Read member reviews, check their shipping costs & also check their first order replace/refund policy on customs seizure as not all offer it. Only ever use the contact info available at their forum page as scammers have set up fake pages using legit TDs names (never ever google them)
The websites & email addresses listed here are the only one to be used. Any other website found online or in a post other than from the dealer itself are not recommended Be careful, copycat websites are one of the most common scam out there and their addresses are very similar.
Re QC, the below are must reads.
At RWI, we're fortunate to have a few dealers who take the time to individually procure, inspect, and photograph watches for potential buyers. This has not always been the norm, and in fact, it's a recent development. Up until about two years ago, all of the dealers drop-shipped everything and...
QC pics are to satisfy YOU that the watch is OK to YOUR standards, that there are no crooked indices, missing lume, offset chrono hands etc. QC pics are not for picking tells or things that are present in every example of a model such as spelling errors, happy feet, wrong lume colour etc. These...