After all of the excellent feedback, I decided to try jtimewatch for my next purchase as well !
23.09 - contact initiated, watch in stock
24.09 - order confirmed, received payment details
25.09 - payment made
26.09 - QC received
28.09 - additional QC and one issue checked, GL from my side
29.09 - shipping details and tracking received
Now the waiting game begins. The week long holiday probably hasn't helped
As of 10.10. the package is still in China and it is triangular shipping via UK to EU.. Hope it will be here in October !
As for Li - so far it has been an excellent experience. He is responsive, detail oriented and nice. This is the customer service other ADs can look up to.
Will provide more details when the watch arrives !
23.09 - contact initiated, watch in stock
24.09 - order confirmed, received payment details
25.09 - payment made
26.09 - QC received
28.09 - additional QC and one issue checked, GL from my side
29.09 - shipping details and tracking received
Now the waiting game begins. The week long holiday probably hasn't helped
As for Li - so far it has been an excellent experience. He is responsive, detail oriented and nice. This is the customer service other ADs can look up to.
Will provide more details when the watch arrives !