Chatting to this gent ( @drbollocko ) on a separate matter, he mentioned he had a TC LN and I naturally enquired the specs etc
Few PMs later, shooting the proverbial sh!t, deal was hammered out and resulted in the below reserved sale - the luck of the Irish indeed!!
Paid Saturday 3rd
Shipper Monday 5th
Delivered Tuesday 6th
What more can I say - seller is a gentleman.
Excellent communication, helpful & fully transparent from start to finish.
Also, I don't think I have received a more bomb proof package in all my years of online shopping.
My intention was to convert to an LV, but after speaking with some of the experts (you know who you are & thank you as always for your help / guidance) they said it could theoretically be done, but likely to be a timeconsuming & costly endeavour.
Better to hold out for a true TC LV.
Therefore, to free up funds for some fun incoming pieces, it will likely be a catch and release the end of the month. It has a very good buddy's name on it at present & will be on the winder until then.
But if that falls through, I'll go through my PMs
Thank you again kind Sir, it couldn't have been an easier transaction & is an absolute pleasure to have made your acquaintance.

Few PMs later, shooting the proverbial sh!t, deal was hammered out and resulted in the below reserved sale - the luck of the Irish indeed!!
[SOLD] - Reserved Sale for P..DR..D TCsub 16610LN
Responding to a WTB, this is a Reserved sale for P..DR..D for a TCsub 16610 V series with gen insert/xtal and ETA movement. Has minor DW issue. Original sales post: The base watch was originally picked up around 2014-2015 from an rwg sale. A gen LN insert from Rlxforms added and gen No Lec No...

Paid Saturday 3rd
Shipper Monday 5th
Delivered Tuesday 6th
What more can I say - seller is a gentleman.
Excellent communication, helpful & fully transparent from start to finish.
Also, I don't think I have received a more bomb proof package in all my years of online shopping.
My intention was to convert to an LV, but after speaking with some of the experts (you know who you are & thank you as always for your help / guidance) they said it could theoretically be done, but likely to be a timeconsuming & costly endeavour.
Better to hold out for a true TC LV.
Therefore, to free up funds for some fun incoming pieces, it will likely be a catch and release the end of the month. It has a very good buddy's name on it at present & will be on the winder until then.
But if that falls through, I'll go through my PMs

Thank you again kind Sir, it couldn't have been an easier transaction & is an absolute pleasure to have made your acquaintance.