Here you can get this nice Louis Vuitton Marco Replica Wallet for Coins & Cards with bag and the "accessoires".
Its the Wallet with Damier Graphite Canvas material. The Original costs 395€ (~415$).
This is a new product. The quality is good, the stamp was removed 'cause most of the stamps are wrong or made bad.
My price is 50€ ( + shipping worldwide on the responsibility of the buyer).
Shipping from EU!
Payment: WU / Cash (just EU and on the responsibility of the buyer) / PayPal Gift (without note)
It is bought as it was seen. If you do not like it then do not buy it!
Here you can get this nice Louis Vuitton Marco Replica Wallet for Coins & Cards with bag and the "accessoires".
Its the Wallet with Damier Graphite Canvas material. The Original costs 395€ (~415$).
This is a new product. The quality is good, the stamp was removed 'cause most of the stamps are wrong or made bad.
My price is 50€ ( + shipping worldwide on the responsibility of the buyer).
Shipping from EU!
Payment: WU / Cash (just EU and on the responsibility of the buyer) / PayPal Gift (without note)
It is bought as it was seen. If you do not like it then do not buy it!