I've been a watch guy for 50+ years, but had never ordered a replica. In 2022 I started looking for a good Daytona 6263, but didn't have a good experience. Places advertising them often did not even respond to my queries. I bought one, only to send it back without even trying it on as the quality was so poor. I then came across DC and they had a Bamford Daytona 6263 which I drooled over. So I put in the order. I received an email with pictures of the actual watch, but there were several issue with the quality control. So I declined to accept it. Daniel organised a quick refund, no questions asked. So I thought that would be my one foray into the world of replicas.
But the itch to have a 6263 hadn't been scratched and just recently I came across the RWI website. I didn't realise that there were so many other like minded souls. So I joined and started reading up on the trusted dealers. DC immediately came into play once again. Having read the reviews I decided to give them another shot. So I contacted them and placed an order in for the same Bamford 6263.
The response time from them was excellent and the watch is now in transit to me, just 4 days after placing the order. The pictures of my watch all looked good and a significant improvement over their previous offering. So, I'm very impressed with their service and efficiency, much the same, if not better, than many authorised dealers here in Australia.
I will post a follow up with pictures when the watch arrives.
But the itch to have a 6263 hadn't been scratched and just recently I came across the RWI website. I didn't realise that there were so many other like minded souls. So I joined and started reading up on the trusted dealers. DC immediately came into play once again. Having read the reviews I decided to give them another shot. So I contacted them and placed an order in for the same Bamford 6263.
The response time from them was excellent and the watch is now in transit to me, just 4 days after placing the order. The pictures of my watch all looked good and a significant improvement over their previous offering. So, I'm very impressed with their service and efficiency, much the same, if not better, than many authorised dealers here in Australia.
I will post a follow up with pictures when the watch arrives.