My Datejust with an A2824 movement had something loose inside, as a result, it needed to be serviced, I first contacted Alex on 13/05 and received a reply the next day. I sent the watch over the following week and I received it back on 30/06, which was within the timeframe that Alex mentioned originally.
I've had the watch for a little over a week now and it's running well and it keeps time better than before, Alex did a fantastic job.
Honestly, it's great to have more UK-based watchmakers which work on reps, Alex will be my go-to for any repairs
I've had the watch for a little over a week now and it's running well and it keeps time better than before, Alex did a fantastic job.
Honestly, it's great to have more UK-based watchmakers which work on reps, Alex will be my go-to for any repairs