From seller:
I honestly do not care. I only inherited one of these and already sold it (hence why I ended the listing) Maybe find a little bit more about an item before deciding to 'report' someone. lol you must have a very good, busy life. Have a great rest of it
- 2738beth
The well wishes I get protecting my fellow forummers
I spotted it as soon as his auction came out and :raji:
No thanx needed...
Good job.
Although this is kind of a shady hobby, it doesn't directly harm anyone (see watch company CEO survey by Bain... They do not think about replica watches all that much)
In contrast, scamming people is reprehensible and does directly harm people.
SHe's ben doing it for awhile now - " I inherited hundreds of watches from my millionaire uncle and just want to get rid of them here ( Ebay ) instead of going to a pawn shop " I asked if i could get a refund if it turned out it wasn't real, she said the reason she posted she didn't know if they were authentic or not was so if someone wanted a refund, she could deny it, She didn't want to have to pay re-listing fees, etc. ( Not that i would ever have bought one, just trying to see how brain dead she was in the first place )