The Cartel use mainly 2 types of crystal with cyclop.
The first type is the one that the cyclop and the crystal are separated and the rep factory glue them together.
These are mainly use for 44mm auto PAM rep like Unltimate PAM88, 89, 29, 63.
The cyclop for this type can be removed by applying heat from a flame gun to melt down the glue but it will be wise to let an experience person do the job as over heating may cause burn injury or crack crystal.
The second type is the sandwiched type. It is made up of 2 parts whereby the upper mineral glass (not sapphire) is with the cyclop and the bottom glass with a cut out hole to let the cyclop sit into it. The upper and bottom glass will then be joined together.
The rep factory use this becos they can't find the correct diameter crystal with the correct thickness for the bezel.
These are mainly use for PAM submersible reps like PAM24, 243, 87 etc.
The bad thing about this type of so called crystal is the glue use to joined the 2 glass will melt after some time thus leaving "oil pattern" especially around the cyclop outer diameter.
I hope the above helps
If you are planning for a 44mm auto pam, you can try to look out for chieftang's cyclop.
However, they are very rare to find and almost impossible.
Another option will be going through the for sale section and look out for any donor case set with crystal from ultimate Auto PAM.
For the submersible, almost impossible to source.
You definitely need a chieftang's cyclop plus a correct diameter and thickness crystal or mineral glass froma donor watch.
Help this helps