What's this all about?
This is a used replica Chanel Quilted Small Double Flap in soft Lambskin. The condition is lightly used (some minor scuff makers inside the bag but exterior looks nice and clean). For this purchase you will get the bag, a rep dust bag and a hard box, everything else in photos are not included.
Location: CONUS
Will ship to: CONUS
Accepted payment methods: PayPal gift no notes
What warranty will you provide?: None
What kind of condition is this in?: Lightly used
Asking price: $150 and additional 10$ USPS Priority shipping inside CONUS, no international shipping (Firm price, I reserve the rights to choose buyer)
Detailed photos below:
This is a used replica Chanel Quilted Small Double Flap in soft Lambskin. The condition is lightly used (some minor scuff makers inside the bag but exterior looks nice and clean). For this purchase you will get the bag, a rep dust bag and a hard box, everything else in photos are not included.
Location: CONUS
Will ship to: CONUS
Accepted payment methods: PayPal gift no notes
What warranty will you provide?: None
What kind of condition is this in?: Lightly used
Asking price: $150 and additional 10$ USPS Priority shipping inside CONUS, no international shipping (Firm price, I reserve the rights to choose buyer)
Detailed photos below: