Looking into buying a black j12. The chrono seems to off IMO, so thats off the list.
For mens, Gen Chanel makes a auto 38mm black j12. Which josh has a auto 39mm j12 rep thats seems pretty on point besides some small font flaws.
But expensive rep though. $588
Link: http://watchwindersworld.com/cha10010-b ... -1993.html
Then there is a Quartz version that is 38mm which is alot cheaper. But Chanel never made a 38mm quartz, I belive they only did a 33mm quartz which is for women. Is that correct? I wouldn't mind buying the quartz mens version, but I dont think a 38mm quartz gen exist.
Link: http://watchwindersworld.com/cha10016-b ... -2344.html
For mens, Gen Chanel makes a auto 38mm black j12. Which josh has a auto 39mm j12 rep thats seems pretty on point besides some small font flaws.
But expensive rep though. $588
Link: http://watchwindersworld.com/cha10010-b ... -1993.html
Then there is a Quartz version that is 38mm which is alot cheaper. But Chanel never made a 38mm quartz, I belive they only did a 33mm quartz which is for women. Is that correct? I wouldn't mind buying the quartz mens version, but I dont think a 38mm quartz gen exist.
Link: http://watchwindersworld.com/cha10016-b ... -2344.html