- 18/7/17
- 606
- 725
- 93
- About
- Cartier Pebble
- Location
- México
- Willing to Ship to?
- Worldwide
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- Bank Transfer / PayPal (commision)
- Movement Details?
- Quartz
- Piece Origin?
- -
- Warranty Provided?
- NA
- Item Condition?
- Used (ike new)
- Why Are You Selling?
- Cleaning Collection
- Asking Price?
- 300 USD
- Currency Accepted?
- Shipping Costs?
- Depends on the buyers preferences
- Are You Posting Handwritten Tags w/Forum ID and Today's Date?
- Yes
- Did You Read and Agree to RWI's Sales Rules?
- Yes
- Will You Post a Feedback In The Relevant Section of RWI?
- Yes
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- Yes
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I, as buyer or seller of any products or services on replica-watch.info (hereinafter referred to as “RWI”), fully understand that RWI does not warranty, guarantee, insure and/or have any responsibility whatsoever for any transaction, product, or service sold by, through, or as a result of any contacts or communications originating from the RWI website including, but not limited to, the sale/purchase identified herein. By proceeding with this listing, I fully release, discharge and forever hold harmless RWI, its owners, agents, administrators, employees and staff, and I release them from any and all responsibility and liability for any and all claims, costs, expenses, actions, demands, or damages related to the buying or selling of products and/or services offered in this listing. By entering into and continuing with this transaction, I acknowledge that I am proceeding with this sale voluntarily and at my own risk, and that I have read the foregoing and fully understand the nature, extent, effect and consequences of its contents.
It took some effort to track it down, and I eventually purchased it through a WeChat seller. The watch came with a strap of less-than-ideal quality, so I replaced it with one that complements the watch and enhances its overall appearance. The watch is in perfect condition, showing minimal wear, and keeps excellent time thanks to its quartz movement.
Watch 250
Custom leather strap 100
Total Cost: 350 USD
Asking 300 USD
Sales will be made after review and approval! I have shipped almost everywhere, through agreements made at RWI.
Regular RWI sales rules apply. Shipping via first class courier according to the buyer's needs. Once the watch is sold and shipped, I will not be responsible for any shipping or customs issues. However, it will cooperate based on its best efforts for resolution without obligation.