- 20/6/18
- 79
- 41
- 18
- About
- Random Mix of things I don't wear
- Location
- England
- Willing to Ship to?
- UK
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- ppg
- Piece Origin?
- Why Are You Selling?
- Don't wear
- Asking Price?
- See description
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- Yes
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- Yes
Bit of a random clear out of things I've hardly worn. All items are in good/excellent condition. Open to sensible offers as I want these gone. I think they are fairly well priced but I'll let the market decide.
Canada Goose Hybridge - Size Large. Slim fit Design. 22 inches pit to pit. Paid £120 delivered. Looking for £53 delivered in the UK. excellent condition. Only worn a handful of times and sat in my wardrobe
Gucci Aces - purchased from Nina - UK 10, slightly small sized so best for a 9.5/9. Worn once to a wedding. Paid £100 delivered. Looking for £48 delivered in the UK
Hermes Belt - purchased from Nina - 32-36 inch waist. Can remember what I paid. Looking for £17.50 delivered. Worn once
Canada Goose Hybridge - Size Large. Slim fit Design. 22 inches pit to pit. Paid £120 delivered. Looking for £53 delivered in the UK. excellent condition. Only worn a handful of times and sat in my wardrobe
Gucci Aces - purchased from Nina - UK 10, slightly small sized so best for a 9.5/9. Worn once to a wedding. Paid £100 delivered. Looking for £48 delivered in the UK
Hermes Belt - purchased from Nina - 32-36 inch waist. Can remember what I paid. Looking for £17.50 delivered. Worn once