italiano17771 said:
great stuff dylan!! keem em' coming....i think i caught the Pam Bug!!
these pams are great...
i just don't like to spend too much money on reps and the asian 6497 are a great alternative esp. if you mod them.
the titanium MM are great looking PAMs...
So in general the mods that you can do are as follow:
1. fix the pin recession...this is an extreme eyesore...and typically it costs approx. $75 to fix by replacing the pin, etc..but i was reading from another post where a guy fixed this pin problem by simply swapping out hands, which would make this fix much much cheaper. This seems to be true for most Asian 6497 mvmt
2. Definitely get a superlume job...
3. find a closed caseback with reasonable serial numbers....i think the default caseback is the OP 6500...
this will hide the movement which is the most obvious tell that the pam is a rep
You can do a search and see if there exists a MM closed caseback model and try to mimic that caseback.
So its quite a bargain from TWP...pick up an asian 6497 for $110. Send it off to Vaccum or Flavor pay them for the lume job + swapping out cost in the end will be under $250 for a very nice looking PAM...
the key is....get a nice strap that complements the titanium and the dial...