Ok I have read several threads about each of these two factories and the 126710 they make, both pepsi and batman versions I am referring to.
For the Clean it appears there is a slightly updated version recently according to the threads and they improved some things with the bezel. It is not listed as a V2 however. I received from PureTime that C+ and Clean are definitely two different factories.
In comparing first the 126710 pepsi, it seems according to threads that the Clean has some better coloring of the bezel versus the C+. It is difficult for me to see these differences personally. C+ claimed they use a 3285, which we have also confirmed is not correct, they use a 3186 which has been engraved with 3285.
In comparing the 126710 batman it seems the color of Clean and C+ is similar also again. Clean does not appear to make a 126710 with oyster bracelet version but would not be difficult to find I imagine. Speed bumps on the bezels of both versions appear to be none.
My question is I would like to hear some other differences I am missing or overlooked in this comparison between Clean and C+ 126710 pepsi and batman. For me, the construction of the watch in terms of feeling and finish is of more importance than slight color variations. Reliability of the movement appears to be good, both factories using the 3186.
Pricing is also very similar in amounts for both of these factories. Difficult choices.
For the Clean it appears there is a slightly updated version recently according to the threads and they improved some things with the bezel. It is not listed as a V2 however. I received from PureTime that C+ and Clean are definitely two different factories.
In comparing first the 126710 pepsi, it seems according to threads that the Clean has some better coloring of the bezel versus the C+. It is difficult for me to see these differences personally. C+ claimed they use a 3285, which we have also confirmed is not correct, they use a 3186 which has been engraved with 3285.
In comparing the 126710 batman it seems the color of Clean and C+ is similar also again. Clean does not appear to make a 126710 with oyster bracelet version but would not be difficult to find I imagine. Speed bumps on the bezels of both versions appear to be none.
My question is I would like to hear some other differences I am missing or overlooked in this comparison between Clean and C+ 126710 pepsi and batman. For me, the construction of the watch in terms of feeling and finish is of more importance than slight color variations. Reliability of the movement appears to be good, both factories using the 3186.
Pricing is also very similar in amounts for both of these factories. Difficult choices.