With all the new reps coming out the time of custom builds I think are slowly dying off. I use to be an avid fan of building pre-v's but with the Noob and H factory reps I dont build them anymore.
Well I had a spare 205a dial that was lumed by Ziggy that was matte treated. Lume isnt the best, but I had some FGD hands and decided what I could do. So I bought a Ferretti since it was a non hex tube and has a non roller ball cg. While the case isnt 1:1 I dont care. I might get a better cg housing for it. But the crown is AWESOME and we all know the H factory crystal is superb. Mounted on a TimeConnection strap in the right Pre-v fashion. Its fun for now and is a great way to enjoy pre-v's without dumping the 1k I was use to
Well I had a spare 205a dial that was lumed by Ziggy that was matte treated. Lume isnt the best, but I had some FGD hands and decided what I could do. So I bought a Ferretti since it was a non hex tube and has a non roller ball cg. While the case isnt 1:1 I dont care. I might get a better cg housing for it. But the crown is AWESOME and we all know the H factory crystal is superb. Mounted on a TimeConnection strap in the right Pre-v fashion. Its fun for now and is a great way to enjoy pre-v's without dumping the 1k I was use to