Guys just looking for any information relating to the above problem please bare with me if the correct terminology isn't used but i am fairly new to the Rep game. I got myself a Pam 029M GMT and a 386M Composite 1950 both great looking pieces but both suffering from the same issue which involves the winding wheel. Now as we know to pull the wheel out to position 1 gives access to alter the date and position 2 to alter the time but unfortunately on both mine the ability to do this as failed due to the pin sticking so the date is stuck on position 1 with no means to alter and the time stuck in position 2, this is the 2nd time this has happened as the pieces have been back to the dealer for repair in May 2014 where both were fixed free of charge but now both have again failed with the exact same issue. Just so you know the 029 was purchased in Jan 2013 and the 386 in Jan 2014 so not a year old, is this a known problem with these pieces or am i just super unlucky, any feedback really appreciated as i hurts so much to have 2 fantastic looking pieces out of action i need them fixing but this time its going to cost the dealer fee for service and repair for both pieces with no guarentee that the same problem wont reappear.