Hi all,
Bremont are becoming more an more in the spotlight recently and I am always on the look out for a replica, but I am always unsuccessful in my find.
However, having searching online, people have been talking about them and eBay articles are now posted on "how to avoid a fake" http://www.ebay.co.uk/gds/Avoding-a-Fake-Bremont-Watch-/10000000043691789/g.html
So, where can we find replica Bremonts?
Bremont are becoming more an more in the spotlight recently and I am always on the look out for a replica, but I am always unsuccessful in my find.
However, having searching online, people have been talking about them and eBay articles are now posted on "how to avoid a fake" http://www.ebay.co.uk/gds/Avoding-a-Fake-Bremont-Watch-/10000000043691789/g.html
So, where can we find replica Bremonts?