Same pictures of same movement and same serial number in the multiple auctions past and present. Seller is asking around $270 and has 100% feedback. Auctions are private so you can't easily look at the seller's other auctions. Past auctions mostly seem to have been ended 'because the item is no longer available'. I asked the seller to send me a picture of the actual movement for the current auction and I got no response, and that particular auction is now only on the Italian Ebay site.
I get that this is too good to be true AND shady as heck, but what is this seller even up to? Also, I can't find that reps have reached this level of accuracy, so I suspect the pictured movement was real, maybe seller is baiting/switching with replica movements?
Here's one of them:
I get that this is too good to be true AND shady as heck, but what is this seller even up to? Also, I can't find that reps have reached this level of accuracy, so I suspect the pictured movement was real, maybe seller is baiting/switching with replica movements?
Here's one of them: