- 22/11/10
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Hi everyone,
I have been buying replicas for a while and been using puretime.com, and have been more than satisfied. Recently I was browsing the internet and I came across a site, www.best-replicas-watches.com, and they sell an AP ROO Survivor for $250! This got me excited, but I wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with this website or knows whether or not they are legit. I would like to buy this watch, being that a decent replica of it is like $600 anywhere else, but I don't want to get scammed. I emailed them and they got back to me within 12 hours, which was good, but I just want to be safe. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Here is a link to the AP ROO survivor: http://www.best-replicas-watches.co...vor-Limited-Edition-2616510.00.A002CA.01.html
I have been buying replicas for a while and been using puretime.com, and have been more than satisfied. Recently I was browsing the internet and I came across a site, www.best-replicas-watches.com, and they sell an AP ROO Survivor for $250! This got me excited, but I wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with this website or knows whether or not they are legit. I would like to buy this watch, being that a decent replica of it is like $600 anywhere else, but I don't want to get scammed. I emailed them and they got back to me within 12 hours, which was good, but I just want to be safe. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Here is a link to the AP ROO survivor: http://www.best-replicas-watches.co...vor-Limited-Edition-2616510.00.A002CA.01.html