The model # that corresponds with this color and exact size is 739P
It is 22/20 120/80
Color is really unique, it is brown, but more red undertones than any other brown croc strap I have seen.
I have seen the standard Brown Breitling croc strap and that had a different model # for the same size, so I think the model # does tell color as well as size.
I am sure you could order one from an AD, but they are pricey (maybe $350-450 ; I am not exactly sure)
Breitling AD's will sell you straps without a watch in hand or serial #, no problem.
I got mine from a gen forum member on ; for $175 ; still not cheap but that is not bad.
Occasionaly you see Gen crocs on ebay and they go for $150 - $300 tang buckle included.
Hope that helps.