In November 2021 i paid for an AP 15500 DLC watch.
The whole waiting process and delivery with a Day1 photos were posted before in this thread :
from 23 March 2022 till 4 April 2022 the watch were used on wirst just 4/5 days.
4 April the unthinkable happens
whitout any reason the DLC braclet broken up.
I did no believe my eyes and inform immediately on Whatsapp Alpha Mod.
I'm aware of the risk to buy from china such kind of objects and the problems to overcome in case of issue but... not after a week.
At first AlphaMod seems to take in charge the braclet replacing "in warranty" as he admitted that is a poor quality control or a Defective piece.
(let's clarify... of course it's a problem that can be fixed from a watchshop specialized.. but.. why should i have a repaired braclet on a brend new watch?)
We remained to wait for an answer from Factory.
1 week passed....
2 week passed....
3 week passed....
yesterday.. as i got pissed off from continuous delays and excuses to avoid to provide a clear definitive solution i gave him an ultimatum as the Alpha Mod final answer was " it's just a courtesy that i offer you because we have no any reason to give you a replacing braclet as you may have broken yourself with bad usage".
As i know how Chinese mentality in business most of the time is : (the product is sold.. the money is earn.. let the client wait.. it's not my problem anymore)
i told Alpha Mod that he's still in charge to provide me a solution to fix my watch but.. at the same time i would activate myself to find the replacment braclet that for him was IMPOSSIBLE to
get and to ship me.
I took just one day (1 day) to inquiry the most credited watch seller to find a forniture for it.
All this is just and only to provide an aftermarket feedback to all who are willing to buy from Alpha Mod.
No complain until it's a matter to BUY.
In the moment you have a problem... ZERO SUPPORT.
It's shown also from the fact that i asked him also an extra braclet link for a 15202 AP as the watch were sold with a too small braclet size and the final owner was really uncomfortable to wear it.
Do you think Alpha mod provided it? of course NO... he probably not even remember this request as, till now (1 month passed) i NEVER got any update.
In November 2021 i paid for an AP 15500 DLC watch.
The whole waiting process and delivery with a Day1 photos were posted before in this thread :
from 23 March 2022 till 4 April 2022 the watch were used on wirst just 4/5 days.
4 April the unthinkable happens
whitout any reason the DLC braclet broken up.
I did no believe my eyes and inform immediately on Whatsapp Alpha Mod.
I'm aware of the risk to buy from china such kind of objects and the problems to overcome in case of issue but... not after a week.
At first AlphaMod seems to take in charge the braclet replacing "in warranty" as he admitted that is a poor quality control or a Defective piece.
(let's clarify... of course it's a problem that can be fixed from a watchshop specialized.. but.. why should i have a repaired braclet on a brend new watch?)
We remained to wait for an answer from Factory.
1 week passed....
2 week passed....
3 week passed....
yesterday.. as i got pissed off from continuous delays and excuses to avoid to provide a clear definitive solution i gave him an ultimatum as the Alpha Mod final answer was " it's just a courtesy that i offer you because we have no any reason to give you a replacing braclet as you may have broken yourself with bad usage".
As i know how Chinese mentality in business most of the time is : (the product is sold.. the money is earn.. let the client wait.. it's not my problem anymore)
i told Alpha Mod that he's still in charge to provide me a solution to fix my watch but.. at the same time i would activate myself to find the replacment braclet that for him was IMPOSSIBLE to
get and to ship me.
I took just one day (1 day) to inquiry the most credited watch seller to find a forniture for it.
All this is just and only to provide an aftermarket feedback to all who are willing to buy from Alpha Mod.
No complain until it's a matter to BUY.
In the moment you have a problem... ZERO SUPPORT.
It's shown also from the fact that i asked him also an extra braclet link for a 15202 AP as the watch were sold with a too small braclet size and the final owner was really uncomfortable to wear it.
Do you think Alpha mod provided it? of course NO... he probably not even remember this request as, till now (1 month passed) i NEVER got any update.
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