- 6/10/12
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You may be able to get a QR button from the dealers. Alternatively, you can just buy strap bars from panatime.
I have not heard of the seller. However, the price isn't that big of a risk so if it's more convenient for you to buy from him, go for it.You need the 24mm springbars in case you forget.
I see, I've sourced out H-Factory QR buttons before however dealers cannot guarantee compatibility between maker parts.
Ok, thanks for your info
i will ask my dealer, maybe he can give me qr button from h factory parts
Easy fix with pam style spring bars.
The'yll fit. A bit recessed, but they're looking nice
Many complications for QR device
Forget QR and use spring bars, this is the correct way to go
I have a watch with a busted quick release button. If you still have the parts (spring, rings, etc), some people were able to put it back together but it looked like a royal pain to do. Also, I have not found anyone who sells these parts at all.
If you don't have the parts anymore, the whole case (yes, the whole case) needs to be replaced. I went to a watch repair and the watchman told me this. And the case is expensive (almost costs as much as my watch), assuming it is even available/for sale somewhere.
As the people here said, replacing the bar/pin with spring bars is the easiest fix. And they can be easily replaced.