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Any good reps of the 38mm Aqua Terra?


Renowned Member
The new Bond watch got me thinking I'd really like one of these in blue. Does anyone rep this well? Most of the reviews and comments seem to be about the giant 45mm version...



I'm Pretty Popular
Not at the moment unfortunately, we are all waiting patiently for one. There are still some old AT 39mm about but hard to find. In terms of the new teak dial version, there is a a21j version based on the old railmaster style case that is not too bad but has some poor flaws, date window is seriously messed up, also has happy feet and is case is wrong thickness compared to the new one, also the back comes in all sorts of weird variations such as closed railmaster back! or display back with horrible finished rotor etc. Saying all that it does come in a nicely finished case and the teak dial and AR on it isn't bad. As a basic rep it is ok, but we are expecting a good one by the end of the year. Watcheden has the current a21j version.


I'm Pretty Popular
Let's hope so! Thanks for the great info, and I guess add one to the patiently waiting list!

Yep I hope it's a good one too, I think the new bond watch being a teak dial AT has helped the process, they will attempt a good AT and it is supposed to be in the 'development stage. How good it will be is anyones guess, but we will be well informed on it's release if it is a good one. If bond had chosen the new ceramic PO then we might have never even seen an attempt at a good AT. The promising thing is they now are definitely going to attempt the ceramic PO also as the 5th gen PO was such a good seller,... so we have that as well as an AT on the horizon.

Things might be looking good for Omega reps! :D